Ritual art
The Lithuanian artist, Agata Granicka makes traditional Vilnius Easter palms. It’s good to remember that these palms, created from dry plants and tinted flowers arrived in the Polish territories only after World War II, partly replacing the local traditions of making palms using green twigs. Visit Agata’s stall to see authentic Vilnius’ Easter palms. Agata’s family has been making them for 7 generations. Agata herself has been mastering the skill for over 35 years. She was also one of the initiators of entering the tradition of making Vilnius’ palms into the Lithuanian list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The proposal was accepted in March 2019. She has received the award for The Best Folk Artist of the Year 2019 and a distinction in the contest “Golden Wreath”.
e-mail: agatagran@gmail.com
phone: +370 67301432