Plaits and basketwork, Ritual art



    • [Kobieta stoi na swoim stoisku z tradycyjnym rękodziełem.]

    Ilona Rushchak’s connection to basketry runs deep, rooted in generations of family tradition. Growing up in the Transcarpathian region, she spent countless hours observing her grandmother’s masterful transformation of corn leaves into a myriad of woven objects. Inspired by this artistry, Ilona embarked on her own creative journey, ultimately dedicating over four decades to perfecting her craft. To ensure this cherished tradition endures, she now imparts her knowledge to the next generation, teaching her grandchildren the intricacies of corn leaf plaiting

    Rushchak’s talent is evident in her diverse collection, which includes everything from practical baskets to whimsical decorations. Her work has garnered recognition beyond local communities, with her pieces featured at the 2012 NATO Charity Bazaar. A dedicated steward of Ukrainian folk art, she is a valued member of the Association of Folk Artists of Ukraine.

    www: Products from the leaves of corn /Вироби з листя кукурудзи fb
    phone: +380975949889