
Eternity was born in a village – Zaharia Cușnir (1912-1993) | exhibition


“Copilo, pune-ţi mânile pe genunchii mei.
Eu cred că veşnicia s-a născut la sat
Aici orice gând e mai încet,
şi inima-ţi zvâcneşte mai rar,
ca şi cum nu ţi-ar bate în piept,
ci adânc în pământ undeva.”(fragment din “Sufletul satului” de Lucian Blaga)
Little girl, put your hands on my knees.
Eternity, I believe, was born in a village.
Here every thought is slower, and your heart throbs at a quieter pace,
 as if beating not in your breast but deep in the earth somewhere.(a fragment of “ Soul of the village ” by  Lucian Blaga, 


The exhibition Eternity was born in the village presents the Moldovan Photography Archive of  Zaharia Cușnira (1912-1993). The collection of photos is a narrative about village life: changing seasons, important events, routines and various feelings hidden in the black earth of Moldovan villages lost in secluded valleys.

Come and listen to the shy giggle of a bride,  experience the togetherness of family celebrating with a red wine of their own production and witness the sorrow of the village filled with the salty smell of bread and tears during funerals. Listen to the thoughts of children born at the time and feel the crunchiness of dry sticks from yesteryear branches over which they all once walked.  From now on, all these lives and moments will shine forever, framed by their rural alma mater. 


Friday, 21 August 2020


All Day


The Hartwig Alley